The north west UK is known for its independent attitude and pioneering sport style approach. It makes the perfect destination to link up with five break through ballers who represent the area and know how to keep on top of their style game for an exclusive shoot for the hottest brand around. Hannibal Mererji and Jacob Wright join us as we get the lowdown on a new breed of adidas athlete proud to represent the three stripes on and off the pitch.
Hannibal Mejbri
A product of the famous Clairfontaine youth academy in France, Hannibal joined Manchester United in 2019 where he had a immediate rise, before the dynamic and energetic midfielder took the opportunity to move to Burnley.
How would you describe your fashion sense in one word? Do you look to others for inspiration or are you quite unique with your own style? “I have my moods, it depends on my mood. Sometimes if I’m a bit tired I just want to be casual but if I’m happy, I dress different”
Do you always come into training in causal gear or do you dress it up for the gram?
“Nah most of the times it is casual but sometimes when I have things to do I like to change it up”
Jacob Wright
What would you rate your fashion sense out of 10? Honest answers only.. are you putting in loads of effort “Yeah I do care! Going to training, maybe not that much but when you are going out yeah definitely.”
How would your teammates describe your dress sense? Give me one word that they would describe your fashion?
“I would say basic, yeah just like standard. We’re not going to loud at all! usually just keep it casual.”